Thursday, December 6, 2007

Things in My Notebook I Don't Remember Writing, #1

"Early on the beautiful people go off to
beautifully screw, and what's left is the

Your guess is as good as mine.


ThatGreenyFlower said...

Nuh-uh...the beautiful people are off making beautiful babies. Who wins in the end then?

Scott said...

I think...and I'm only guessing here, as I say...that the monsters are not produced by the beautiful screwing, but rather that, once the beautiful people go off the screw one another beautifully, all that's left in the area where they had been previously (i.e. the population minus the beautiful screwers) are the monsters.

But again, your guess is as good as mine.

And to answer your question, the beautiful people always win. That's why I think my sympathies may be with the monsters.