Friday, March 14, 2008

"Gnome? I never even SEEN 'im!"

You may or may not know that I'm a big fan of cryptozoology--the study of possibly mythical creatures like Bigfoot, the Yeti, and the Loch Ness Monster, often with a view toward proving they exist--so this little piece of news really made my day:

"Creepy Gnome" Terrorizes Argentinian Town


Residents of a small town in Argentina have been spooked after several sightings of bizarre-looking figure that was captured on video in the middle of the night.

Locals claim the 'creepy gnome' stalks the streets at night. The little 'person' who wears a pointy hat has a distinctive sideways walk was caught on video last week by youngsters who claim to have been terrified.

Reportedly the little guy makes a sound "like someone throwing stones"--a detail I find inexplicably creepy due to its random weirdness. So be on the lookout for THIS GUY:

Actual photo of "Creepy Gnome"

I have to admit, that's pretty convincing. Maybe the faerie folk are finally being spotted, now that we have the technology to prove they're there. Next up--Ogres appear at European football matches.

1 comment:

ThatGreenyFlower said...

Well, the video was pretty convincing...